San Polo 3073/O (Calle del Campazzo)
30125 Venezia
Geographical coordinates: 45.43805, 12.32362
To find our property via Google maps, you can click the following link:

Our property is a 5-minute walk from the “Piazzale Roma” bus station and the “Santa Lucia” train station.
Our facility does not have a parking area because we are located in the lagoon.
You can park your vehicle in the “Garage San Marco” (041 523 2213) or in the “Autorimessa Comunale” (tel. 041 272 7301) in Piazzale Roma (Venice historic centre). Alternatively you can park at the “Tronchetto Parking” (tel. 041 5207555) or on the mainland at the “Venice City Park” (tel. 041 531 66 84) in Marghera/Mestre.